Not Done Bleeding
Transgender Deathmatch Legend II, PSYCHODUNGEON, Tabletop Scotland Reflections, upcoming cons and more
Hello and welcome back to the Rat Wave Newsletter. It’s looking to be a pretty packed month over at the Game House so I’m gonna dive right into things.
This months newsletter covers:
The latest on Transgender Deathmatch Legend II and PSYCHODUNGEON
Reflections on Tabletop Scotland
Upcoming Cons for the rest of the years
A preview of Nemesis Retribution
Transgender Deathmatch Legend II
Unless you’re a new subscriber I imagine you’ll already know that Transgender Deathmatch Legend II is on the horizon. GeekNative has the latest on the game; an exclusive cover reveal and a breakdown of some of the games contents.
Please follow the BackerKit launch page, the more followers I have when I hit the big red button the more likely the game is to be a success, and I really want this game to be a big success.
I’ve been working on the layout design for the game today, so I’ll have some previews to share of what the game will looking like on my social media pretty soon. I have an idea for a stretch goal supplement I’ll be making as part of the campaign, and I’m really excited about who I’m hoping to get working on that with me. I’ve got plans for a special edition boxset of the game too and all the visual art for the core game is prepped and ready.
The tentative planned launch date is October 29th. That is dependant on me releasing PSYCHODUNGEON this month (more on that next) and having fulfilment out of the way in time. I really want to make the 29th, any later launch date and I’ll be running the campaign over Dragonmeet which I’d rather avoid, but I’ll prioritise not overwhelming myself juggling two projects if that’s what needs to happen.
I’m going to be working on prepping PSYCHODUNGEON for layout this week and next. I’ll be sorting a final proofread, completing any additional art I need for the game and all going according to plan the game will be out digitally before the end of the month.
The pre-order page over on BackerKit is live if you missed out during the campaign and want to remedy that. Once fulfilment is over I’ll also be selling copies out of the Rat Wave Webstore.
That should mean I’ll have printed copies of the game at conventions for the rest of the year (you can see where I’ll be further down). I’m excited to get the game into peoples hands and be able to properly talk about it as a thing that exists rather than a thing I’m working on. I’ll likely play a game over at Badger, Badger to celebrate getting the prints in my hands.
Tabletop Scotland
Last weekend I was at Tabletop Scotland with 12 Pins Press (Laurie' O’Connel) and Biscuit Fund Games (Chloe Montgomery and Alyssa Ridley). It was fun getting to talk to people about the games we were selling, catch up with friends and hear from people who’d played games I created.
Physically it was pretty difficult, but I think I’ve learned how to build in recovery time after a con well enough. I also have ideas for how I can improve my presentation (like as a stall but also off individual books going forward) so I’m looking forward to next cons.
Next Cons
Speaking of the next place I’ll be will be at Dragonmeet in Hammersmith on 30th November. As mentioned, the plan is I’ll have physical copies of PSYCHODUNGEON, a new boxset edition of Terminal as well as a mix of zines (I’m running pretty low of An Illustrator’s Guide to the Dreamtlands and Ritual Magic for Besties so this convention may be your last chance to pick those up physically.)
Then a week afterwards I’m heading back to Edinburgh for TAGS Festival. I’ll have a smaller selection there, informed by both what’s gone after Dragonmeet but also whatI think is worth prioritising,
For Dragonmeet I’m sharing a larger stall with 12 Pins Press and friends again, whereas for TAGS I’ll be going solo with a half table set up. It’d be nice to see people there!
Nemesis Retribution
Regular listeners of the Game Soup podcast have likely heard about the development of the game formerly known as Nemesis Revealed, which I’ve also mentions in previous newsletters. Following revisions based on a successful playtest I’m gradually prepping this game for release. It’s an intense rivalry simulator, a story game of dark counterparts and twisted mirror images. It comes with six playsets covering a range of genres and works for 2-5 players with a GM, using dice pools of six sided dice and an alternating scene structure as you build to an epic showdown.
Oh yeah I also re-named it Nemesis Retribution. It’s a bit of a goofy excessive title, similar to the logic I named Fear the Taste of Blood with. There’s similarity between those two games (specific play roles, a considered relationship to genre, playsets to guide zero-prep play and a tight scene structure) so I think the link works.
Currently I’m slowly working on layout and art. It’s going to involve a mix of public domain comic book art, kit-bashed historical paintings and digital collage. It’s a lower priority then stuff I have to do for PSYCHODUNGEON and TDL2 so I’m not really sure on release date. Both because it might fall down the to-do list but also because I don’t want it to steal away attention from other projects. It will physically be printed and available for sale at Dragonmeet but might not have a digital release until after the TDL2 campaign wraps.
Next time
Anyway that’s all for this month. Next month I should have details on how PSYCHODUNGEON fulfilment is going, the final countdown to Transgender Deathmatch Legend II and maybe more on Nemesis Retribution.